
Retrieve detailed description of a certificate.


https://www.tinycert.org/api/v1/cert/details (JSON)
https://www.tinycert.org/api/v1/cert/details.xml (XML)



Numeric identifier of the certificate to get the description for.


Session identifier.

Return value

On success, this method returns details from the certificate. These are:


Numeric identifier for the certificate (same as the cert_id request parameter).


The current validity status of the certificate. One of:

  • good - the certificate is valid
  • hold - the certificate is not known to be valid, but also not revoked and may be reinstated
  • expired - the expiration date of the certificate has been reached. You may need to reissue the certificate.
  • revoked - the private key may have been compromised, or the certificate is revoked for another reason
  • obsolete - a new certificate has been issued, replacing this one. Do not use this ID for any other API calls.

ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.

Example value

(representing The Netherlands)


State or province name, as entered when creating the certificate.

Example value



Locality (city or town) name, as entered when creating the certificate.

Example value



Organisation name, as entered when creating the certificate.

Example value

ACME, Inc.


Organisational Unit name, as entered when creating the certificate.

Example value

IT Department


Common Name, as entered when creating the certificate.

Example value



The Subject Alternate Names for which the certificate is valid. In JSON format, this will be an array of records with a single property. In XML format, a child element will be present for each record.

The key determines what kind of name is described by the value. The following keys are possible:

  • DNS - a DNS name
  • email - an email address
  • IP - an IP address
  • URI - a uniform resource identifierr

Example value

JSON example:

	{ "DNS" : "www.example.com" },
	{ "DNS" : "example.com" }

XML example:


The hashing algorithm, either SHA1 or SHA256.

  1. Introduction
    1. Signing requests
    2. Error conditions
  2. API sessions
    1. /connect: Open a new API session
    2. /disconnect: Close an open API session
  3. Certificate Authority management
    1. /ca/list: Get a list of all CAs in your account
    2. /ca/details: Get further details on a given CA
    3. /ca/get: Download the CA's certificate
    4. /ca/delete: Delete a given CA
    5. /ca/new: Create a new CA
  4. Certificate management
    1. /cert/list: Get a list of all certificates for a given CA
    2. /cert/details: Get further details on a given certificate
    3. /cert/get: Download the certificate, signing request, or private key for a certificate
    4. /cert/reissue: Re-issue an existing certificate
    5. /cert/status: Change certificate status
    6. /cert/new: Create a new certificate